Integrated to your systems
Citizen Portal connects all your in-house and third-party platforms by bringing it all together into an intuitive and easy to use dashboard for both your admin and citizens.
Level up your citizen engagement strategy and give residents the freedom to access everything your city has to offer, all in one personalized portal.
From feedback tools for community planning and citizen concerns to providing real-time information on events across your city, you’ll be at the forefront of engaging your community in a meaningful way.
Citizen Portal connects all your in-house and third-party platforms by bringing it all together into an intuitive and easy to use dashboard for both your admin and citizens.
Did you know a customer service interaction on the web is nearly 11 times less expensive than a phone transaction? Provide everything a citizen needs in one spot – resulting in fewer phone calls and emails.
Citizen Portal puts the control in your citizens hands – allowing them to access the city services and information they care about, whenever and wherever they need it.
By giving your citizens access to everything online, you can go green and cancel printing and mailing efforts for pickup calendars and tax and utility bills.
Compliant up to WCAG 2.0, Citizen Portal is completely accessible to every resident in your community.
Citizen Portal is a secure platform that integrates all public citizen services into a single place, under one login. All API communications are secured by either APIKey or Oauth2 Client credential grant. Plus, cloud-based hosting on Microsoft Azure keeps data secured at bank grade protection.